I am a member of the Central Jersey Modern Quilt Guild. On Instagram we have an account which is @cjmqg which is maintained by one of our members. You can also find work posted by individual members under the hashtag #cjmqg. If you search for that hashtag you will see this photo on Instagram. Or you can simply follow me, @terrischurter. I have edited my “real” name on Instagram to read as HexyLady. That’s one word.
The above piece represents a big step forward for me. This is a piece that I put together for a group quilt that the CJMQG is putting together to send to Quilt Fest 2016. #quiltcon2016challenge
I got the project package with directions at the last guild meeting and sat on it, figuratively, until yesterday afternoon just before it was due. I called upon all of my courage, and drew upon my recently refound love of log cabin work, to create something as undeniably structured as I am, yet hopefully somewhat modern in form.
I have been a member of the guild for nearly two years, but have yet to participate beyond listening, watching, plus attending one sewing retreat last November where I mostly listened and watched. I am an introvert at heart, and my interactions have largely been virtual since the advent of the internet, which is clearly an introvert’s dream come true.
Aside from my propensity as an introvert, I never liked the idea of group projects. I don’t always play well with others. I play very well next to others, however. So a project with guidelines that allows me to complete a block to specifications is a nice way to ease my way into group activities. I even went so far as to design this piece to fade into the background, just as I do. The guidelines indicated that one may include a number of black triangles, but offered the option to eliminate the triangles altogether and simply work with the low volume fabrics. Such a piece would be used to finish off the top. I even offered to have mine sliced and diced as necessary in order to make its incorporation successful. I’ll be interested to see if I can find its components in the finished quilt top.
Two more opportunities for guild interaction are coming up soon. I’ll be attending Qulters Take Manhattan soon, and the guild is repeating their November retreat this year. I’ve already signed up for that three day event.
At the guild meeting yesterday they were looking for people to demonstrate hand work at the James A. Michener Art Museum in Doylestown, Pennsylvania for one day in January. As an English Paper Piecer it just made sense for me to volunteer, and so I did. I hope to be working on the Farmer’s Wife quilt either by hand in a traditional way, or with EPP templates.

I managed to pick up a copy of the August/September issue of Quilting Arts at the guild meeting. Mark Lipinski has a four page spread about the Slow Stitching Movement, and he shows some photos from the First Slow Stitching Movement Getaway in Lambertville this past April, which I attended.

I like to keep my hands busy, so I’m always basting hexagons or sewing them together at the meeting. Last night I managed to stitch together five Kona color sample flowers while I was listening and watching at the meeting last night. In all fairness I must point out that the hexies came to the meeting pre basted. I won’t bother to name the colors here since you will see these flowers again on Friday when I show off the entire collection of 23 New Kona solid flowers.
I love how doing grunt work like making these sample flowers can spark the imagination. I have an idea for a series of quilts using nothing but Kona solids. The three quilts in the series would be designed to allow them to serve as perpetually growing color sample charts for my Kona solids. Once I flesh out the details for this new project I will share it here.