In addition to creating more low volume flowers this week, I’ve been thinking about adding some solids to the mix in my low volume quilt. Not long ago I purchased two fat quarter bundles of the Kona “Not That White” collection.

There are twelve Kona solids in this collection, and there are unfortunately specs of lint on my otherwise enticing photograph above.

The challenge might be matching these solids up with their sample chips on the Kona Cotton Solids sample card to create 6″ x 6″ sample pieces. By the way there is some strange photographic occurrence going on in the photo above, but you can get the idea of the variety of the solids.
The collection did not come with a list of the fabrics included, but a little research revealed a list online for the collection which I copied to help me with my task of matching the fabrics to the Kona sample card.

Matching the fabrics to the chips turned out to be much easier than I suspected it would be because the fabrics were packaged in the above order with Snow at the top and Khaki at the bottom. I didn’t realize this until I had started matching the fabrics from the bottom of the pile. After matching the Khaki and then the Parchment fat quarters I saw the pattern. All of the other color names simply fell into place for me.
It was lucky indeed that I had not mixed up the order of the pieces when I was photographing them before trying to match them up.
I found all of the colors on two sections of the Kona sample card…

And was able to easily label the fat quarters. The bundle included all but five of the above 17 colors.

For now the fat quarters are sitting on a shelf waiting for me to cut 6 inch by 6 inch samples from the short ends of each piece.The remaining fabric from those ends will be used to make solid hexagons, which I will store in meticulously labeled sandwich bags. I learned my lesson from throwing completed low volume hexagons in a bowl… never again, unless I really want to be random.
If I decide to use any of these colors in the Low Volume Quilt I will be ordering more of the yardage from the Fat Quarter Shop, which is my favorite source for Kona solids.
In addition to these variations on white I am considering purchasing some of the very lightest pastel colors. Some of them are so light that they could almost be mistaken for white. Those of you with a Kona Solids sample card can look up these fabrics that I am considering for purchase: SILVER, SKY, CELERY, PEARL PINK, BUTTER, LIMESTONE, AND LT PARFAIT.
I’m leaning toward SKY, PEARL PINK, AND BUTTER as primary colors to complement the patterned fabrics. I was a bit disappointed that there is not a really good light green. They are all too dark to pass for white under any circumstances.
As for my progress on the Low Volume Quilt this week?
I cut up a new fat quarter and basted it into hexagons. Here is a closeup of one of the flowers I made from it so you can see the pattern of the fabric.

I completed eight flowers from that pattern of fabric this week.

This makes a total of 75 flowers completed for the Low Volume Quilt.
Those of you visiting from Jessica’s Monday Morning Star Count might enjoy reading my recent post about my hand quilted foot rest.