This week I broke out the solids from the “Not That White” Kona collection. I made 18 new flowers bringing the total of flowers for the Low Volume Quilt to 112 flowers.

I made eight flowers using the Cream fabric.

I made seven flowers using the Ivory fabric.

These two fabrics are really not the same, so I will put them side by side so you can see that clearly. Cream is on the left, and Ivory is on the right.

As promised, I made one flower each using the very light pastel primary colors I had recently purchased.

Pearl Pink

Wow. The Snow fabric center almost looks blue in comparison to the Pearl Pink petals. This may have something to do with the way that Aperture autocorrected the white balance.


and Butter

The Cream and Butter fabrics are quite similar, which is to be expected I suppose given that butter is made from cream. The Butter is more vivid than the Cream, however.

Cream is on the left and Butter is on the right.

The jury is still out on whether or not the three primary hues will find there way into the final quilt. I have to remind myself that contrast is lessened when one gets distance from a piece, so they may work out after all.

As usual I am linking up with Jessica’s Monday Morning Star Count Those of you visiting from there might enjoy reading about my experience using my broken walking foot. Then there is my post about my acquisition of new Kona solids, as well as my two year blogiversary post.