This week I have completed three blocks.

#50 Honey’s Choice

Kona solids used are Dahlia, Eggplant, and Purple

I really enjoy using the Purple here. It is very dark in value and I like the contrast it creates in this block. It is also quite blue helping with the transition to the next row. This block only called for two colors, but I decided to add Purple for a third color.

I’m planning to sash this block with Eggplant, which should create an interesting effect as the Eggplant triangles melt into the sashing.

#51 Hovering Birds

Kona solids used are Dahlia and Heliotrope.

The use of two colors close in value has created a relatively low contrast block. I’m planning to move this block a little closer to the center of the quilt, and will likely switch the location with #53 Jackknife two blocks down the row.

#52 Hovering Hawks

Kona solids used are Lupine and Purple.

Purple makes an appearance again in this row of blocks. This block is much higher in contrast than Hovering Birds. The dark fabric is darker and the light fabric is lighter.

You may notice that this block is configured differently than the one in the book. I created the first two quarters of the block, and then accidentally rotated one of the quarters when I joined them. Rather than ripping out my mistake I decided to replicate the mistake in the remaining half. I’m happy enough with the result.

I had considered adding a third color to this block for the longest two pieces and the triangles facing them. That would have been interesting indeed.

I have one more block to make before I can join these blocks as a row to the Violet section.