As of last week I had 24 flowers complete for the low volume quilt. This week I added seven flowers to that pile making a total of 31 flowers so far. All seven of the flowers above are made with different fabric patterns.
I spent a good deal of time this week sorting out my low volume hexagons so they are matched up and ready to sew into flowers. I also basted quite a few Kona Snow solid fabric hexagons for the centers of flowers.
Seven flowers isn’t all that much progress in one week, but I have a very good excuse. I have been doing a lot of log cabin work, and I posted about it last Wednesday. A follow up post will be coming shortly.
I am linking up with Jessica’s Monday Morning Star Count over at her blog Life Under Quilts.
Jessica has been posting a lot on Instagram these days, and I started following her there today so I can see her work unfold. She has a good point when she says that it is easier to post to Instagram as she is sewing than to stop and write a full blog post. My local quilt guild members seem to like posting to Instagram, and the guild itself has it’s own user name there, so I am already following a few accounts over there. Instagram seems to be the hot thing for quilters these days, so I had better get with it and get more involved with that aspect of social media.
If you want to follow me on Instagram search for “terrischurter”. A search for “hexylady” or “hexy lady” also works since I have changed my real name to “HexyLady”. “Hexy Lady” did not work as well in searches.
I think slow progress on your hexies is still better than the NO progress I’ve been making on mine lately!! Love seeing that pile grow!
I think seven flowers is pretty good progress! And they look so nice, funny I really love bright colors, but the neutrals or low volumes are so soothing. Glad you’re on Instagram. I’ll look for you there. I also tend to post more frequently there as it’s so quick and easy. And yes, there are so many quilters and other creative folks posting there, great inspiration for all of us.
Nice work! I guess I better get on Instagram… 😉
I have enjoyed following a few people on Instagram and getting notifications on my phone when they post a new image. It makes it really easy to jump on and comment in a timely fashion.