I bound my ugly little piece and threw it in the wash for the first time today. I have set a notepad and a pencil on the washing machine to keep track of how many washes this piece endures by the end of August. I’ll be making hash marks for regular and gentle cycles. My husband sometimes throws a load in, so I will be instructing him to include the ugly little piece whenever he washes something.
Following are photos of the binding:
First off, I forgot to show the fabric I chose for the backing of this piece. This has to be the ugliest fabric I own. My apologies to whoever designed it. Maybe in the right setting it would shine. At some point I may challenge myself to create something with the yard I have left of this camouflage batik.
The binding has been sewn into place o n the front, and is ready to turn and hand apply to the back.
I love my Clover binder clips. I have some of the big green ones too, which are great for holding like units of hexagons together while planning a layout.
The binding definitely approves the appearance of the front.
It even makes the back look moderately acceptable.
This is how it looked after two regular washings and regular dryings. It is a whole lot more crinkly than I would expect, but I would never wash and dry a quilt on normal anyway. The seams are holding up just fine.
You know, there may be someone out there who likes that backing fabric – and you are right, the binding does do something for it!