Three years ago I tried to cancel my blog that is hosted by Bluehost. At the time I was talked into continuing with the service by the “helpful” representative who spoke with me when I called. She was quite persuasive and signed me up for three years.
I fooled myself into believing that I would would actually get back to using the service.
Boy was I wrong.
Three years later I got billed for another three years of service after only posting two blog entries in the past three years.
I called up to cancel and to see if I could get my money back for the three years I paid for by mistake. I was told that they only give refunds within the first 15 days. I explained that I had not known that I had been billed. It was not until I got my credit card bill that I knew that I had been charged. I explained that I had previously paid for three years of service that I had not even used, and that if they looked at my records they would see that.
I couldn’t get them to see reason, so I asked to speak with a supervisor because I felt that surely someone in charge would realize that this is not the type of ill will they want to create. And surely this is not the way they wanted to make money. I sat on hold for over an hour waiting to speak with supervisors that were in a meeting and could not speak to me. Eventually the person dealing me with me took my phone number and promised that a supervisor would call me after an hour had passed and the meeting had ended.
I made it clear that if I could not get a refund that I did not want my service to be cancelled because if I had paid for it and would not get a refund I wanted to at least continue to have the option to use it.
It has been well over two hours now, and no one has called me.
I’ve discovered that the renewal notice and the notice of payment that I should have seen were missed because is not marked as a VIP. It is marked as such now.
It appears as if I should get back to blogging if for no other reason than to periodically restate my disappointment with the way I was treated by Bluehost in this matter.
This will be my first post in nearly three years.
Good to hear you are still there Terri. I was do enjoying your Farmers Wife quilt progress. Git worried that you had suffered ill health when you did not post. Wynne from New Zealand.
so where is the post about hexes? I’ll be sure to boycott BlueHost as I despise when companies have done that and especially when it is done to me!