My second order of solids has arrived from the Fat Quarter Shop. I never fail to be in awe of how they package these so beautifully in the exact order as the pieces appear on the invoice.
For fear of disturbing this order I photographed the pieces in the bags in which they came. Then I photographed the piles without trying to fan them out for fear I would drop them and create chaos.
In anticipation of the receipt of this order I bought two bags of large clips to hold the labels in place on the yardage as I worked on the Farmer’s Wife Quilt. I also bought index cards to make short work of the labeling.
I’ve organized my new fabrics into groups representative of the color areas in the color wash plan. Here they are:
The fabrics above are just the new acquisitions. I’ll be combining them with the solids from the first set I purchased to form the complete groups for each color area. I might need to do some additional supplementation for some of the color areas. However, as I did last time, I will want to take a bit of time to gain aesthetic distance before purchasing more fabric.
I started a thread over in the 1920s Facebook Group to see if I could get others who are using solids to come forward. A few did. I came up with a cool hashtag which I will be using when I post there to make it easy to find my work and the work of others who might be inspired to use the hashtag. It is #SOLIDarity .