Here is where I ended up on Wednesday when I was working on formulating my medallion blocks. I thought I was done when I put the Caramel in on the lighter side. I decided to make a second block like this. After doing so I decided that I really need some extra oomph on the lighter side. The Caramel just wasn’t doing it for me because it was not balancing out the impact of the Terra Cotta on the darker side.
I decided to get really bold by replacing the Caramel with School Bus, and here is the result:
The School Bus is a lot brighter than the Caramel. I decided that I really liked the change, and proceeded to make three more blocks so I could see a grouping of four blocks to give myself a better idea of how they will play together. The lighter side is still less dominant than the darker side, which is brighter. Yet the School Bus strips cry out, “Look at me too.”
These blocks will be trimmed to 12.5 inches, but you get the idea. I love this block. I will be making eleven more of these blocks for a 3 x 5 central medallion composed of 15 blocks.
The rough drawing below gives an idea of how this medallion will fit on the overall quilt design. The bolder squares represent the medallion. They are followed by another row of blocks on each side to fill out the bed top. Then there will be additional rows on the left, right, and bottom for overhang.
I will be filling in the rest of the quilt with more randomly constructed blocks such as this one:
I’m going to need more School Bus, Mushroom, and Taupe for sure. While I am over at the Fat Quarter Shop I will take a look at my Kona Sample Card and see about getting some additional greens and violets for potential use in the Farmer’s Wife Quilt.
While waiting for new fabrics to arrive I am working on producing the center portion of the block that will compose the medallion of the Kona Log Cabin Quilt. I have made three of them so far.
I’ve worked it out that 23 half yards of Kona Solids comes to $80.50. That is fifty cents above what is required for free shipping from the Fat Quarter Shop. Eleven of these colors are for the central Medallion blocks. That makes 12 new colors.
Here is my order:
Loving the pop of color the school bus gives!