I have been thinking a lot about color recently with all of my purchases of Kona solids, and because I have been thinking about how to unify my Log Cabin Quilt using green and violet fabrics along the outside of each block.
I’ve always enjoyed green and violet as a combination. For a long time violet has been my favorite color. Green and violet are two of the secondary colors. The other secondary color is orange. I was never a big fan of orange, but recently while unpacking an order of Kona solids I found these three fabrics side by side and found myself wanting desperately to bring them together into a quilt.
From left to right the colors are Sweet Pea, Terra Cotta, and Morning Glory.
Let’s see those colors in all their glory again.
Recently I have purchased a few boxes of Aurifil thread because it is cheaper that way, and I really love the boxes for storage. In a recent purchase of Pat Sloan’s “The Perfect Box of Colors” I found these three wonderful spools of thread.
I’ve been thinking of how I can use these three lovely Kona solids in a quilt and I am considering using them to create a Farmer’s Wife quilt.
I joined a group on Facebook for the farmer’s wife quilt, and apparently some of the participants are planning to use all solids for the project. I can see myself finding a lighter value of each of these hues to provide enough variety. Some of the blocks will require more than three distinct fabrics. Ideally I would like to make these blocks using English Paper Piecing, but I am open to the idea of traditional machine piecing. The book comes with a CD that has templates for each block.
I am not totally committed to this yet, but I did buy the book. From what I understand they are going to start with the easiest blocks first and have tutorials. That appeals to me.
Those three colors are fabulous! I would love to see a Farmer’s Wife in solids. I never thought of EPPing a Farmer’s Wife quilt … that idea has made me rethinking adding that quilt to my to-make list.
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