This week I completed five flowers for the Low Volume Quilt. This makes a total of 47 flowers so far. I have been doing a great deal more though than assembling existing basted hexagons. In order to make the lowest three flowers above I cut up one of the fat quarters from the three low volume fat quarter bundles I had recently purchased.
Cutting the entire fat quarter yielded 56 squares. That will be enough to make nine flowers and have two basted low volume hexagons left over.
I now have 25 basted hexagons from that fat quarter ready to make into more flowers.
And I have 13 squares pinned and ready to baste.
I’ve also cut four strips of Kona Snow selvedge to selvedge. Those strips have been cut into squares, and I am now in the process of basting them so I can proceed with more flower production.
Those of you coming to this post from Jessica’s Monday Morning Star Count may enjoy seeing my recent progress on the Log Cabin Quilt.
This looks very fresh and peaceful. Lovely.
I like the fabric with the squiggles!
This is my favorite fabric of all in the fat quarter. It will feature prominently in the final quilt.