She has won the autographed copy of the book, and will be receiving it through the mail shortly.
If you liked what you saw during the blog hop, and really wanted to win this book, then please head on over to Amazon where you can get your own copy.
By the way, the item above is no longer in my collection. I took it with me to the First Slow Stitching Movement Retreat where I used it as my entry in a Yankee swap. I had never participated in one of those before, and I wanted to give something that someone would appreciate even though the idea is to give something funny. The container was definitely appreciated, and it created a little buzz for the book at the retreat.
I took all of my finished objects with me to the retreat and placed them out on my table along with the book so people could see them. I also prepared the units necessary to make another convex vase, and completed that at the retreat. I even brought my bag of templates for that project with me so I could show them. When my convex vase reached the end of the “octopus” stage I set it out on the table and left it there for awhile, which drew additional attention. I kept it low key, but it was really nice to be able to hand out my business cards when people commented on the work, and to tell them that they had a chance to win the book since I was keeping the comments section open until the end of the retreat.
Great idea to get more people to your blog and to see your work!
I’m super excited to look more into the Slow Stitching movement!